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User Guide


huak is in an experimental state.


  1. Getting started
  2. Manage your dependencies
  3. Support more of your workflow
  4. Distribute your project
  5. Configure Huak

Getting started


Use pip to install huak from PyPI.

~/github  pip install huak

Create a new project

To create a new project use the new command.

~/github took 2s  huak new my-project

Or initialize an existing project

~/github/existing-project  huak init

huak distinguishes between library and application-like projects. Projects default to the library type if a type isn't specified. Specify the type with either the --lib or --app flag.

Initializing an existing project adds a pyproject.toml to the current directory. Bootstrapping the project with the new command creates a Python project with the following structure:

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  tree .
├── pyproject.toml
├── src
│   └── my_project
│       └──
└── tests


Without --no-vcs huak generates a git-initialized project.

Manage your dependencies

Add a dependency

Use huak to add dependencies to your Python project.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak add xlcsv

Installer Options

Currently huak uses pip under the hood for package installation. You can pass additional arguments onto pip. Any arguments after -- are handed off to pip install.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak add torch torchvision torchaudio -- --extra-index-url

huak will add the packages to your pyproject.toml, so passing PEP 508 strings would help persist this behavior for future installs.


You can also assign dependencies to a group using --group.

Install dependencies listed in the pyproject.toml

Use the install command to install the project's dependencies.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak install

Using --groups

To install just "required" dependencies:

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak install --groups required

If you already have an optional dependency group named "required" then --groups will operate as normal and only install the groups provided.

Update dependencies

To update a dependency use the update command.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak update xlcsv

Or everything.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak update

Remove dependencies

To remove a dependency from the project use the remove command.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak remove xlcsv

Support more of your workflow

Huak ships commands allowing you to format your python code, lint it, and test it.

Format your code

Use the fmt command to format your Python project's code.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak fmt

Using --check

Use --check if all you want to do is verify your code is already formatted. Note that huak currently uses a combination of black and ruff to format your code. This means that -- can only pass options to black. Use the [tool.ruff] approach to configure import sorting.


huak will exit prior to running the black check if your imports are not sorted. See #510 for the status of this issue.

Lint your code

Use the lint command to lint your Python project's code.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0 took 2s  huak lint

The --fix flag can be used to address any auto-fixable issues.

huak wraps tools like ruff for some of its commands. To configure a wrapped tool such as ruff use the pyproject.toml file:

# ...

huak also uses mypy for type-checking. To disable this behavior use --no-types.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0 took 2s  huak lint --no-types


Currently, since ruff is the default tool used by huak lint, passing additional options with -- is reserved for ruff. To configure mypy use the [tool.mypy] approach. This limitation will be addressed in future versions of huak (see #505).

Test your code

Use the test command to test your project.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0
❯ huak test

Run commands within your project's environment context

You can use huak to run a command within the Python environment your project uses.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak run which python

Activate the virtual environment

huak also implements an activate command to activate a virtual environment.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak activate

(.venv) bash-3.2$


Currently huak just runs bash --init-file on unix systems and uses powershell on Windows.

(.venv) PS C:\Users\chris\github\my-project>
See #486 for the status on the activate command.

Manage your Python installations

By default huak will use the first Python interpreter found from your PATH environment variable. You can list these by using the python command.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak python list
1: /Users/chrispryer/.pyenv/shims/python3.11
2: /Users/chrispryer/.pyenv/shims/python3.10

So huak would use /Users/chrispryer/.pyenv/shims/python3.11 out of the box. You can use a different installed Python version with use.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak python use 3.10

Distribute your project

Publish to PyPI

If you're building a Python package you'd like to share, use huak build and huak publish to build and publish the project to PyPI.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak build

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak publish

Cleaning up

Use huak clean to clean out the dist/ directory.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0 took 26s  huak clean

Configure Huak

Configure shell completion

With huak completion you can setup shell completion for huak.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak completion -h
Generates a shell completion script for supported shells. See the help menu for more information on supported shells

Usage: huak completion [OPTIONS]

  -s, --shell <shell>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
  -u, --uninstall      Uninstalls the completion script from your shell init file. If this flag is passed the --shell is required
  -h, --help           Print help

Add huak completion --shell <shell> to your shell's initialization to use this feature.

eval "$(huak completion --shell <shell>)"

Providing feedback

Any bugs or suggestions can be submitted as issues here. All feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated ❤️.

my-project on master 📦 v0.0.1 via 🐍 v3.11.0  huak --version
huak 0.0.19

Use the 0.0.16 User Guide for huak versions prior to v0.0.19.